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Becoming a Fit Bride in San Diego Boot Camp
Down 3% body fat! The beginning of the week was exciting… Mainly because I was excited to retake measurements and body fat. I lost 3% body fat! That made me really happy because it means the 5 lbs I lost was mainly FAT and not muscle! The middle of the week was difficult because I…

Boot Camp Bride Stays Focused By Celebrating Great Results
I fit into my skinny jeans! I am loving my new size. All my really small size clothes fit (on bottom). The only things not really fitting correctly are my suit jackets (not like I wear them much, anyway). My new muscular shoulders are a little big for the jackets. I don’t mind. My lean…

Bridal Boot Camper’s Dress is Too Big in the Hips
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Who is Eva Wennes?
Eva Wennes is Pilates Instructor and Corrective Exercise Specialist in The Biomechanics Method. I’ve referred several of my clients to Eva when they have experienced chronic pain that hinders their ability to move – especially when physical therapy isn’t working for them. My clients and I are always pleased with the results they get from…

Paleo Diet – New Year’s Diet
Ro Goes Paleo Ro is in our trainer mentorship program. She’s a hard-working boot camper that’s looking to take her results to the next level. She’s committed to a 30 day Paleo diet. She’ll be sharing her experience on our blog so you can share in her Paleo diet journey. A complicated relationship with food…