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Bridal Fitness – Nikki’s Journey To Becoming A Fit Bride
Overcoming obstacles This week, like weeks before it, brought both good things and things that I learned need to be improved upon. My major issue this week was that I felt pain in my right knee all week, which I have never had before so I was kind of weirded out by that. The second…

Bridal Boot Camper Is Getting Married In 2 Months!
https://youtu.be/5fyNCiCfPys Less than two months until my wedding! It’s really getting down to the wire. I have approximately 1 month until my alterations appointment. That means, I have 1 month to get to the weight I’d like to stay and maintain until the wedding! I am already really close. (yay!) I don’t want to get…

Becoming a Fit Bride in San Diego Boot Camp
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San Diego Boot Camp Gets Nikki Fit For Her Wedding
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LBD Chronicles #3 – Success and Accountability are Motivating
Alyssa Femia is one of Bootique’s great boot camp and Zumba clients – plus, she’s an amazing writer. She is authoring “The Little Black Dress” Chronicles about her experience to get into the best shape of her life – and back into the little back dress. I lost 3 lbs! In my last update, I…

Bridal Boot Camp Makes Lifestyle Changes To Stay Fit
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