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Bride Gets Fit at Boot Camp – Follow Nikki’s Journey
Still losing weight – even though it’s the holidays The holidays approach, but I am not scared of gaining weight. I have been making changes to my nutrition and have been consistent with my workout program for nearly two months now. One day can’t phase me! But I have already decided on a few things…

Boot Camp Bride Survives The Holidays
3 Month End Benchpoint Things are shaping up quite nicely on the way to my big day. Wedding plans solidifying, out of town family buying their plane tickets, and my body is getting fit and ready! Lost 2% more bodyfat We remeasured, and it was a consistent 1/2 inch loss from most areas. I lost…

Boot Camp Bride Stays Focused By Celebrating Great Results
I fit into my skinny jeans! I am loving my new size. All my really small size clothes fit (on bottom). The only things not really fitting correctly are my suit jackets (not like I wear them much, anyway). My new muscular shoulders are a little big for the jackets. I don’t mind. My lean…

Client Story “My Bridal Fitness Journey With Bootique Fitness”
Hi! I’m Nikki. I’m 29 year old writer and social media professional and I’m SUPER excited to be getting married in 6 months! I’m busy planning the wedding and want my day to be perfect, but… I’ve put on some weight this year that I’m ready to shed. I’m shedding for the wedding and determined…

Bridal Fitness – Getting Slimmer Through The Holidays
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Bridal Fitness – Nikki’s Journey To Becoming A Fit Bride
Overcoming obstacles This week, like weeks before it, brought both good things and things that I learned need to be improved upon. My major issue this week was that I felt pain in my right knee all week, which I have never had before so I was kind of weirded out by that. The second…