Who is Eva Wennes?
Eva Wennes is Pilates Instructor and Corrective Exercise Specialist in The Biomechanics Method.
I’ve referred several of my clients to Eva when they have experienced chronic pain that hinders their ability to move – especially when physical therapy isn’t working for them. My clients and I are always pleased with the results they get from working with Eva. Eva gets my clients out of pain so they can move freely and get their best performance when working out with us!
Here’s a note I received back from my client, Gwen, after she saw Eva:
“Just wanted to let you know I followed up with Eva at Euro Pilates. I second what your other clients have said, she has done an excellent assessment and really provided detailed information about why my knees are impacted. Basically, it comes down to my arches collapsing and that causing stress on other muscles, etc. I am looking forward to doing the work and getting back to strength again! I just wanted to let you know she is thorough and informative, and is someone you can confidently refer to other clients.”
If you’re suffering from chronic pain, Eva may be a great resource for you. In this blog, she explains what she does for her clients.
This is a guest post by Eva, owner EuroPilates in North Park.
“When people ask what I do for a living, giving that big title tends to lead to more questions than answers. Therefore, I thought, making a list of what my week was like at work is a great way to describe what I really do. So here it is, a list of things I did last week to help my clients have a more functional body, eliminate pain, increase energy as well as increase mobility all of which leads to a happier, healthier more improved quality of life.
How a Corrective Exercise Specialist can help
– I taught a client how to sit at her desk properly, to decrease neck and back pain.
– I worked with a client, who suffers from Plantar Fasciitis (foot pain). I gave him a take-home program, that he’s now doing on a daily basis. He’s already seeing results and is so excited to kick foot pain to the curb.
– I coached a client who’s suffering from shoulder pain, how to self-massage, stretch and mobilize his shoulder on a daily basis to eliminate his pain and regain range of motion. I also went through his gym routine and weeded out contraindicated exercises.
– I performed an evaluation of an elderly client, who suffers from frequent falls. I found, that her ankles, knees and hips do not work properly. She is excited to be starting a corrective exercise program, that teaches her, how to use her body properly, gain motion back and eliminate falls.
– I helped a man with diastesis recti (abdominal separation). He tried to have it fixed surgically, but it’s not an option. A few sessions later, now he is able to recruit his abdominal muscles and close the gap in his abdominal wall.
– I met a client, who suffers from foot and knee pain. I learned, that the cause of her condition is her fallen arches. She does not distribute her weight evenly, therefore she puts too much pressure on the big toe side of her feet and inside of her knees. I taught her, how to stop her arches from collapsing into the ground and distribute her weight evenly. With her newly gained knowledge, she will be able to do squats and lunges without pain.
– Updated a rehab program for a high-school soccer player, who tore some ligaments in her ankle and had surgery. When I first saw her about a month ago, she wore a boot and had a heavy limp, accompanied by lots of stiffness in the ankle. I was happy to see, that her limp was gone and her strength and mobility increased tremendously.
And the list goes on…
The list above is a typical work week and I hope this helps you better understand Corrective Exercise. After a session my clients tend to say my education, years of personal experience and thousands of hours of working with people on different issues tend to lead to more answers than questions. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask me.”
You can reach Eva at 619.400.9252. Her private studio, Europilates is in North Park at 3131 Dale St, San Diego, CA 92104.
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