
FUN Fat Burning HIIT Cardio Workout [Follow Along]

Cardio without the boring treadmill!

5 minute HIIT style workouts are fantastic fat burning workouts. Here’s an added little “finisher” workout that will use every muscle in your body – in just 5 minutes! Use this after a full body workout or simply as a quickie when you really want to maximize calorie burning. Follow along with one of our most camera-loving personal trainers, Sabrina, or download an interval timer and do it on your own. Sabrina will show each exercise as well as modifications and instructions as she performs the circuit. Set your interval timer to 40 seconds for the first interval and 20 seconds for the second interval. Complete all 5 exercises plus active recovery breaks in a row twice before taking a rest for a total of 5 minutes. Use this as a mini workout or take up to a minute rest and repeat. Remember to warm up to prepare your body for your workout and stretch afterwards to help your body recover and prevent injuries. Enjoy! 40:20 timer 20 seconds of HIIT work – 20 seconds of active recovery HIIT exercise #1: squat jump to twist HIIT exercise #2: squat thrust mini sprint HIIT exercise #3: switch out, lunge jump HIIT exercise #4: 3 count squat hold / jump HIIT exercise #5: alternating sideways squat thrust

Personal Training Group Classes in San Diego

Come outside and join us for an incredible and fun workout in one of beautiful San Diego parks where we hold classes. Currently, we have boot camp style classes at Civita Park in Mission Valley, Mission Bay Park, and La Jolla. Get details on our Personal Training Group Page.

Enjoy boot camp style workouts in your home

You’ll find tons of our unique San Diego Boot Camp videos, all available for you to view and follow along with, in the Workout Videos Category on our Blog.

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