
Dr Katie Fox talks about Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Wrist Pain and Chiropractic Care

A common injury we hear about from our clients is wrist pain, especially when they are in a push up position. The cause of the problem is not the push up, however, if you are already experiencing wrist pain, you are likely going to feel it more when you are in push up position. So… instead of stopping push ups, let’s resolve your wrist pain.

Dr Katie Fox of the Spinal Connection

In this video Dr Katie explains that there are 2 types of wrist pain – carpal tunnel syndrome and mechanical wrist pain. She explains the difference between the two, how they are caused, how she assess the type of pain and how to correct it. Carpal Tunnel is directly related to the pressure applied to the median nerve and responds well to chiropractic treatment. Mechanical wrist pain is more often caused by direct use/pressure of the hand and imbalances in the upper body musculature – this is where proper form when exercising makes a huge difference.

Do you have a question for Dr Katie?

She’s happy to take your questions, email her here and we’ll record an answer for you. Don’t worry about privacy, she won’t say who asked the question.

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