
October FEATURED Boot Camp Client – Kristi

Congratulations Kristi!

We are proud to announce Kristi as our Featured Boot Camp Client.

What would you like people to know about you?

I grew up here in San Diego, and although I’ve lived other places, this has always been home. My entire family lives in the area, and we find any and every excuse to get together and have a party. These get-togethers often revolve around Chargers games, as we are all devoted (and optimistic) fans. I married my wonderful husband David about 5 months ago, and we are slowly but surely converting him into a fan as well.

I’m a School Social Worker, and I absolutely love my job. It can be difficult, but it’s also very rewarding. Since I work in the school system, my schedule also gives me the opportunity to travel. David and I both enjoy exploring new places, and we recently spent three weeks in Africa for our honeymoon. It was an incredible trip, and I can’t wait to go back someday! We’re currently talking about where to go next, and it seems like Australia is on the top of the list.

Other than travelling, I enjoy playing tennis, skiing, and reading. My sisters and I are all bookworms, and meet for book club once a month. My family is also currently playing in our own fantasy football league, and we’re extremely competitive. So far, the girls are winning.

Kristi’s Experience with Bootique Fitness

Kristi talks about how she came to workout with us and what her experience has been like in our San Diego boot camp.

You just got married. Did your fitness priorities change when you were getting ready for the wedding? If so, how?

My priorities did change, although I think they may have been a little bit different than some other brides. A few months before I got engaged I was diagnosed with adult onset asthma, which kept me from being able to do many activities I had previously done to stay fit. With the wedding coming up, I wanted to get in shape and look great on the big day, but I also wanted to be able to dance all night with family and friends without having to worry about my breathing. I started attending boot camp with Bootique with the intention of both toning up and increasing my lung capacity. I made sure to prioritize boot camp even when I was crazy busy with wedding planning, and attended more often to make sure I was able to reach my goals. A side benefit was that it was also a great form of stress relief!

How did it feel to be in such great shape on that special day?

Before my wedding, everyone kept talking about how all eyes will be on the bride, which I was not looking forward to! I’ve never liked to be the center of attention. But when the day came, I felt so confident, and it was definitely because of all the training I did with Bootique. I knew I looked my best, and my dress fit perfectly! I was also able to spend the whole night out on the dance floor without having any breathing difficulties, which was really important to me.

What results have you seen since coming to Bootique Fitness?

I’m definitely stronger than when I started, and I notice that I feel less stressed and have more energy throughout the day. I think the biggest change I’ve seen though has been the improvement in my breathing/asthma. When I first started coming to boot camp, I could barely climb a flight a stairs without becoming short of breath. I really questioned whether I would even be able to participate in the workouts at all. However, the trainers were great about modifying the exercises for me when needed, and slowly my breathing improved.

Today, my asthma symptoms are often barely noticeable. It has made an enormous difference in my ability to participate in all sorts of activities I had always enjoyed, from hiking to skiing.

What are your reasons for sticking with Bootique Fitness all this time?

I never liked working out in the gym, and I’ve found it difficult to stick to a workout routine in the past. I love that the workouts with Bootique Fitness are outside, and are different each and every time.

However, the main reason I have stayed with Bootique Fitness is because it really is fun! Instead of dreading working out, I actually look forward to it and hate to miss boot camp.

Tell me about your experience with the trainers.

I can’t say enough good things about all the trainers at Bootique. They are so positive and encouraging, and are incredibly knowledgeable. Even though we work out in a group, the trainers really take care to individualize the workout for each person. I usually train with Ed, and he’s constantly coming up with creative and challenging workouts for us. He always pushes us to do our personal best, and encourages us to do ‘one more’ than we think we possibly can.

What do you enjoy the most about Bootique Fitness?

I really enjoy the people I work out with! It’s so great to have a group of women who are supportive and encouraging, and are working toward similar goals. They make every workout fun… I often find myself laughing with them even as we’re doing an incredibly tough exercise. And on those hard days when I feel like I might want to skip a workout, they help keep me accountable and get me to boot camp.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I am so grateful that I found Bootique Fitness at a time when I really doubted my ability to work out and stay fit. The workouts combined with the personal wellness and nutrition advice have definitely improved my overall quality of life.

Thank you Miss Kristi! We love training you!

Be sure to congratulate and celebrate Kristi when you see her at boot camp! She plays in La Jolla and Mission Bay evening and Saturday boot camps.

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