
Knowing When You Need to Recharge

If your life is constantly go-go-go, you can get so used to the fast pace that it can be hard to tell when it’s time to recharge your batteries. But taking care of yourself and giving yourself some “me” time is crucial to a healthy lifestyle. Here are some ways to tell when it’s time to recharge your batteries as well as simple tips to get your energy back.

Challenge: There aren’t enough hours in the day

If you are one of those people constantly lamenting that there aren’t enough hours in the day, it may be because your plate is too full. If you over commit yourself and say yes to everything that comes your way, you will burn yourself out before you know it.

Solution: Be choosy

If there are appointments in your day that take up time but aren’t bringing you joy, it’s time to ditch them. Life is full of things we don’t want to do, like laundry and dishes, so limit the unnecessary chores and just stick to saying yes to things that make you feel good.

Challenge: You haven’t worked out in months

Your tennis shoes used to see action five days a week, but now they are collecting dust and your weights are buried in your closet because you just don’t have enough time to work out. If you want energy back and to feel good again, the number one thing you can do for yourself is carve out time for fitness.

Solution: Get moving

Whether you go for a walk during your lunch break or wake up an hour earlier for one of our morning women’s Boot camp Classes, incorporating some sort of movement into each day is the most important thing you can do to boost your energy.

Challenge: You are never off the clock

If you are answering work emails in your bed at night before you go to sleep and then again first thing when you wake up, it’s time to set some boundaries. In this 24/7 access world, it can be so hard to disconnect, but you will never get your energy, or sanity, back if you don’t set some ground rules

Solution: Set your hours

Allow yourself at least one hour when you wake up and another hour just before bed that are strictly off limits from work. We know that everyone’s job is different, and all companies have their own work/life culture, but if you don’t set the boundaries for yourself, no one else will.

Carving out time for yourself is the best thing you can do for your mental health. We can’t be our best with our families, friends or on the job unless we make our well-being the number one priority.

Question: What is your biggest hurdle when it comes to carving out “me” time?

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