
December Featured Boot Camp Client – Lauren

Congratulations Lauren!

We are proud to announce Lauren as our Featured Boot Camp Client!

Lauren is one of those people that you just know you are going to love the second you meet her! She has incredible energy, she’s outgoing and full of jokes jokes jokes!

She’s a rockstar at boot camp but she truly shines her gift for comedy at Zumba. It’s one of those you’ve-got-to-see-it-to-believe-it ordeals – so make sure you get to the Lauren show at Zumba on Sundays.

We’ve had the pleasure of watching Lauren excel over the past two years. Taking on more races, scoring better and better PR’s (personal records) – and even finishing first in her age group during her last race.

What would you like people to know about you?

Well, I am a total goof ball, I love to laugh and make other people laugh. Being serious all of the time sounds exhausting, so anytime that I am able to be myself and laugh while doing anything I will take the opportunity! I love to run, far. I’ve done 6 full marathons and lord knows how many half marathons and other events. Running is my meditation. I have been in San Diego for 10 years now, originally coming from the 1st state, that’s right, Delaware! Obviously, I’m staying here 🙂  I’m a massage therapist, I think massage is essential to a healthy happy life and I LOVE what I do!

Lauren’s Experience with Bootique Fitness

Lauren talks about how she came to work out with us and what her experience has been like in our San Diego boot camp.

How long have you been training with Bootique Fitness?

I have been training with Bootique Fitness for 2 years now (right Jaylin?). Time flies.

What was your life like before Bootique Fitness?

Before Bootique, I was having trouble getting in my strength training AND enjoying it. I am over gyms… I spent years getting in there and using machines to get my strength training in and have even tried working out with other personal trainers in the gym as well. I was soooo bored. I also had a trainer that pushed me too hard, too fast, and I ended up with a shoulder injury 🙁  I gave up the gym scene and thought running would just be enough. But running without strength training leads to injury and I was discovering that for myself!! So thankful I found Bootique!

What results have you seen since coming to Bootique Fitness?

Now that I can get in my strength training, it shows in my running and ability to work hard all day! I feel strong and powerful in my lower body, and I’ve seen my fastest running times this year, giving me 2 huge PRs and even a win in my age group!

I also have definition in my arms and shoulders that running alone definitely won’t give me.

What is the biggest difference in your life since you started Bootique Fitness?

The biggest difference in my life is that working out is never a chore anymore, and that is what it always felt like going to the gym. It is so convenient for me to get to Mission Bay, even at 6am. I get to see ladies that I adore, workout with them, and yes, even laugh at 6am.

Tell me about your experience with the trainers.

I have loved all of the Bootique Fitness trainers! Each lady lets their personality show in their workouts and I love getting the variety, so I like to hop around locations sometimes. Sabrina’s classes fly by and are intense, she seems sweet and innocent people, but I think she’s actually a UFC fighter at night. Sarah’s classes are never ever the same and I love that she uses different props all of the time. It’s like before I know what happened my whole body has been worked over and last week I popped out a new ab muscle by the end of class. Ro is a machine, and I’m pretty sure the things that she makes us do are meant to turn us into super heros, and I’m fine with that. And of course, Jaylin uses her inner giant to whip me into shape. She is so high energy and always makes me realize that I can do more than I think I can. I think if you tap her veins Red Bull comes out 🙂

What do you enjoy the most about Bootique Fitness?

What I enjoy most is getting to workout with ladies who make me laugh, push me to workout harder, and I never never feel bad about myself. Being outside is also the main reason I enjoy working out with Bootique too! Laying down on my mat for an ab workout and looking up at the sunrise and hearing the crazy seagulls fly over just makes me happy 😉

Why should other women just like you consider Bootique Fitness as their solution?

Ladies, if you are a runner and not getting in a workout like Bootique offers, you are missing out! I’ve noticed how essential it is to supplement my marathon training. It keeps important muscles strong, keeps me balanced, and injury free. Plus, you’ll look hotter. Yeah, I said it, it’s true.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I just want to add that I appreciate that all of the trainers remember all of my little quirks, old injuries, and strengths. They cheer me on when I’m kicking but, and always provide adjustments to make sure I workout safe. This is so important to me, and is why I think they are so different from other trainers. I feel like they know me and they care. And if you haven’t been to Zumba yet, especially on a Sunday, be sure to come try it out… I put on a good show 😉

Thank you Miss Lauren! We love training you!

Be sure to congratulate and celebrate Lauren when you see her! She plays at the 6 am Mission Bay boot camps and our Zumba classes.

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