Featured Bootique Client – A Kovacs
Congratulations Miss May!
We are proud to announce A as our Featured Bootique Client!
A has been impressing us and entertaining us since the day we met and climbed to the top of the Museum of Man on one crisp December afternoon. After a Zumba dance birthday party I shared with Allison Rynne (who we give credit for introducing A to us), she jumped on board and became a member of Bootique.
As you’ll read below, she was born with some health issues, and she’s had some tough times but she has never looked for an excuse to quit. Instead, she takes every opportunity out of her crazy schedule to show up to class – and from the somewhat sassy but always friendly look on her face – you’d never know that anything has ever bothered her. She pushes past any hint of a limitation and has grown far stronger and healthier than she had ever been before. Her incredible fortitude has been an extremely positive influence on her friends as she and Allison have brought their friend Aimee into Bootique (we call them the A-team) and are now bringing even more of their wonderful friends.
We love you all!
What would you like people to know about you?
I’m New York City born and bred, but have lived in San Diego since 1996. I run a small publishing company and do logistics management for a TV personality.
I love reading, movies, sparkling wine and Elvis kitsch. I don’t like coffee or chocolate all that much. (But did I mention sparkling wine?) I had a pretty rough 2016, so these days I try to celebrate the little things and the big things, and most things in between.
What are your hobbies/interests outside of our classes?
I love to read. I love to cook. I collect geeky jewelry.
Tell us an interesting or unusual fact about yourself.
I was born with two sets of tonsils and have had them both removed, 25 years apart.
How about sharing one of your guilty pleasure?
I don’t have a lot of time to watch TV, but when I can, I love to binge watch stuff everyone else is talking about. With microwave popcorn topped with gummy bears. Currently I’m obsessed with the new Queer Eye.
How long have you been training with Bootique Fitness?
Five years (I think!)
What was your life like before Bootique Fitness? How is that different now that you train with Bootique?
I was born with damaged kidneys, and wasn’t allowed to play team sports or participate in gym class. As I grew up, never really had an exercise plan or a favorite work out or anything like until Bootique. But I joined my good friend Allison for a Dance Fitness class and instantly realized that I could do that AND it was fun AND it was good for me.
What results have you seen since coming to Bootique Fitness? How do your results make you feel?
I’m stronger, I sleep better, I have more endurance and fewer aches and pains in general. But the true gift of Bootique for me is the newfound idea that I like being more physically fit. Seems like a no-brainer, but I had to do it to understand that. More fit is more fun, and more fun is better!
Tell me about your experience with the trainers.
All the trainers at Bootique are welcoming, accommodating, and dedicated to helping me do my best. Even when I miss more classes than I’d like, I’ve always been welcomed back with a big smile and lots of encouragement. But my favorite thing about the early morning trainers is that they even take pre-coffee grousing in stride. Jaylin cheerily responding “you’re welcome” to someone (me) mumbling about how I could be home in bed sleeping makes me laugh every single time.
What are your favorite/least favorite exercises?
I love Dance Fitness most, hands down. It’s fun, I can catch up with friends, the energy is always great in the room and time flies. My least favorite? I’m almost afraid to say … probably mermaids or burpees!
What do you enjoy the most about Bootique Fitness?
The unfailing welcome from everyone. The genuine fun of Dance Fitness classes. That the more I work out the more I see several of my very good friends. Bootique is the one thing in my life where I know I’ll get back twice as much as anything I put in. I honestly just have to show up and I’m fitter and happier. (Now I just have to show up!)
What would you say to someone on the fence about making a change & committing to their goals?
Yes I know you’re afraid you’ll be sore. And you will be sore at first.
Yes, I know you’re afraid to look silly if you don’t know the moves at Dance Fitness. But we all look silly sometimes, and that’s part of the fun.
Coming from someone who never worked out before I started at Bootique, I know how you feel. I do. But I *also* know how you will feel once you start — and I know that’s worth it. Join us!