
Bootique Featured Client – Lann

Congratulations Miss November!

We are proud to announce Lann as our Featured Bootique Client!

Lann is phenomenal! This lady knows the meaning of hard work and yet – she refuses to take credit for all the work she puts into her fitness. She can’t hide it though – watch her perfect form push ups and see her strong body – it’s easy to tell why she is a Bootique featured client! Check out her fantastic story below and you’ll start to understand why we love her!

What would you like people to know about you?

I grew up in many places, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin and Yugoslavia. No, I wasn’t a military brat, but the kid of a college professor who was ambitious and moved us around as he climbed the academic ladder. I’m glad he did; I learned to be flexible, open to new experiences, and to love to travel. I only finally settled down when I came to San Diego in 1979 to go to law school, met my now-former husband, and stayed here ever since. I have two amazing daughters, a 31 year old occupational therapist living in Los Angeles, and a 28 year old teacher, teaching through photography and head of youth education at the Museum of Photographic Arts in Balboa Park. My new husband, whom I married in Saint Emillion, France three years ago, is a master sommelier and major foodie.

What are your hobbies/interests outside of our classes?

Which leads me to probably my favorite hobby – cooking. I love to cook all cuisines, as often as possible. It’s my therapy and my way of showing love. And, how can one have a great meal without a great wine? Hence, the need for exercise! I try to eat healthfully most of the time, but I’m not willing to give up an occasional indulgence. My husband and I love to find interesting places to eat out and to cook at home just as much. Travel remains my other favorite hobby. I have an endless bucket list of places I’d like to go.

Tell us an interesting or unusual fact about yourself.

I lived in Yugoslavia for a year when I was 8 years old and quickly became fluent in Serbo-Croatian when my brother and I went to public school there and no one spoke English. Everyone questioned why these Yugoslavian kids were traveling with two Americans (my parents) when we checked in at hotels and I had to interpret for them. I learned so much about the world from those travels and subsequent experiences. Most of all, I realized how much more people are alike than they are different all around the globe.

How about sharing one of your guilty pleasure?

My number one guilty pleasure is a great glass of wine.

How long have you been training with Bootique Fitness?

I just finished my first year with Bootique Fitness.

What was your life like before Bootique Fitness? How is that different now that you train with Bootique?

I joined when I moved to the Hillcrest area from East County. I was happy to find a group just for women and one that fit my schedule and location so well.

What I didn’t know was that I was joining an amazing community of kind, caring, interesting and motivating women. I was looking ahead at a milestone birthday and wanted to feel fit and strong as I approached the next decade. As I’ve gotten older the value of being fit has been magnified. I am a firm believer that functional fitness is the key to staying healthy and enjoying life to its fullest, and at no time more so than as we get older. I want to be able to walk those cities, climb those mountains and sling luggage around for many more years to come. With the help of a consistent training program and the accountability that Bootique Fitness offers, I think I will.

What results have you seen since coming to Bootique Fitness? How do your results make you feel?

I feel strong, toned, and able to handle the stress of my job thanks to regular workouts with Bootique. I love the camaraderie of my fellow boot campers and the different personalities of the trainers. I’ve felt embraced and encouraged by those who have been coming for so long. What a nice, supportive, group!

One of the greatest compliments I receive, which I attribute to staying in shape through Bootique workouts, is that I don’t seem as old as I am. As a result of being regular at my Bootique workouts and eating fairly healthfully, I feel stronger and move throughout my day with greater agility and confidence. My workouts definitely relieve stress, release endorphins, and keep me sane.

Tell me about your experience with the trainers.

I love that every workout is different. There’s never a chance to be bored by the routine and I look forward to seeing what new forms of torture, oops, I mean, challenges the trainers come up with every single day. It’s amazing!

What are your favorite/least favorite exercises?

I know I’ll be booed for saying this, but I love burpees! When I first started I could barely manage one, and now I find them a fun challenge and a great overall all-in-one workout all by themselves. I don’t have a least favorite exercise, but some of the combinations of moves that include high cardio intensity are definitely the most challenging, some mornings more than others.

What do you enjoy the most about Bootique Fitness?

I’ll be the first to admit that if left to my own devices, I might not be disciplined enough to be regularly exercising. that’s why I love the number of classes offered by Bootique that allow me to be as consistent as possible.

What would you say to someone on the fence about making a change & committing to their goals?

As I tell my younger associates at work they should, I schedule my workouts like they were doctor’s appointments. It’s that important.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Thank you, Jaylin, for creating a community that is so committed to everyone’s health and well-being, for encouraging your trainers to put their heart and soul into their efforts with us, and for being so sincerely devoted to helping all of us achieve a positive and happy life. You’re the best!

Thank you Miss Lann! We love training you!

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