
Community Spotlight On: Nutritionist Birgit Witherspoon

Community is a very important aspect of our Bootique family. We love to share reputable small business owners with you. We’ve created a new feature called ‘Spotlight On” to bring these incredible business owners to light.

Introducing Birgit Witherspoon, MS, HHC, is the founder and owner of b balanced:

About Birgit

What would you like people to know about you?

I lived most of my life in Germany and moved to the US in 98 where I got married to an American soldier I met in Germany. Some unfortunate circumstances made us go our own ways after seven years of marriage. I now enjoy being in a great relationship with my wonderful boyfriend Bill.

Before I opened my business, I worked as a Business Development Manager. Previously, I held down jobs as sales manager, store manager and director of a student cafeteria in adult education.

My mom was an inspiration for choosing the path I am on. She was very sick and Western medicine couldn’t really help her. She dabbled on her own with alternative methods, but lacked skillful practitioners that could have helped her. She also refused to change her eating habits (which weren’t that bad) and lifestyle. Thinking of her later, sparked my interest in creating a career in the natural health field.

I guess one of my quirks is never traveling without food or water. Just the thought of running out or not having ‘clean’ sources makes me kinda anxious.

What are some of your hobbies/interests related to health and wellness?

My leisure time is often filled with horseback riding, yoga and hiking. I also enjoy reading, cooking and tending to my backyard. Nature is my place for recharging my batteries. That’s why I love hanging out at Bill’s ranch in northern CA every chance I get or taking short trips with him. I feel that self-love is necessary for good health and strive to keep balance in my life.

Tell us an interesting or unusual fact about yourself.

I have been on both sides of the fence: I worked for McDonald’s Corporation for 3 years and know the food industry’s shenanigans on how to maximize profits without ever caring about the health and well-being of their consumers.

About b balanced

What do you do?

I am a Wellness Practitioner and Nutritionist. I have a Master’s Degree in Domestic Science and Health from Germany, graduated as a Holistic Health Counselor from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and have a certification in Somatic Intuitive Training and Nutrition Response Testing.

Since 2008, I have been studying with various doctors gaining skills and knowledge in Kinesiology, Blood Type Diet/Lifestyle and Emotional Trigger Release. I use all techniques with my clients and have seen the quickest and most profound results since I combined them.

How did you get into your field?

I always had a knack for natural healing. Though, as a kid and teenager my skills pertained to horses only and I wanted to become a veterinarian. Sadly, that dream was shattered by a not so nice man, a vet himself, who thought women had no business in that field. I felt lost for many years, tried different things until I discovered my love for cooking and food service establishments through my brother, a chef.

I earned my Master’s and managed a student cafeteria where I developed a rewarding relationship with the student body. My advice on proper nutrition was sought often and I happily shared my knowledge. When I came to the states, I had very little confidence that I could proficiently communicate in my field. I immersed myself into the American culture and worked in management for McD’s in Atlanta.

When I came to San Diego, I was burned out and had no inclination of working in the food industry. After several years in the corporate field I was simply tired of having a job I didn’t much care about and decided to get back to natural healing and nutrition.

What do you love about what you do?

Where to start? I enjoy my office and the peace it provides for my clients. I love that I am boss ?; that I have flexibility in my schedule and that I am of service to others. The best part is that I help people feel better and my truly most cherished reward is seeing a smile on my clients’ face and hearing ‘I feel SO much better’.

Why do people choose to work with you?

Most people I work with have exhausted the medical route and still don’t feel well. Or they are tired of taking medications and seek alternatives. Many face weight challenges despite doing all the right things. Others experience anxiety, depression or other emotional upset and look for natural solutions. The list of symptoms I address is endless.

People choose to work with me because I offer them a sustainable and reasonable solution to maintaining and/or creating healthy well-being.

How can new clients reach you?

You can contact me via phone 619.379.1276, email: or visit my website

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