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Super Pumped, Superhero Tabata!
Happy Tabata Thursday! You know what time it is… time for some 20 second hard working intervals followed up by 10 seconds of recovery time. Today’s Tabata? Spiderman push-ups and alternating with burpee legs! Short and sweet – so turn it up as hard as you can; at your highest capacity! 4 minutes may seem…

5 Minute Butt and Thigh Workout (optional dumbbells)
Get Sexy Legs Here’s an added little “finisher” workout for you to work those legs. Use this after a full body workout or simply as a quickie when you want to burn a few extra calories and focus on your legs. Follow along with one of our most camera-loving personal trainers, Sabrina, or download an…

Tabata Thursdays – Mountain Climbers
Climb Every Mountain Tabata is an interval exercise named by Japanese researcher Izumi Tabata. He found that exercises done for about 25 min, in high intensity intervals of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest, improved endurance compared to an hour of regular cardio. Don’t worry, we’re not going to through you into…

Video – Get A Sexy Butt With This Boot Camp Workout
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FUN Fat Burning HIIT Cardio Workout [Follow Along]
Cardio without the boring treadmill! 5 minute HIIT style workouts are fantastic fat burning workouts. Here’s an added little “finisher” workout that will use every muscle in your body – in just 5 minutes! Use this after a full body workout or simply as a quickie when you really want to maximize calorie burning. Follow…
Tabata Lunges – A Lighter Intensity Alternative
Tabata Thursdays “It would take five times the amount of typical cardio exercise to shed the same number of calories you can in a four-minute Tabata”, according to Michele Olson, Ph.D., the principle researcher at the Auburn University Montgomery Kinesiology Laboratory (shape.com). Now if this isn’t a reason to get on the Tabata bandwagon, I…