
How to Kick Your Sugar Habit for Good

As part of a healthy lifestyle, we know that we should curb our sugar intake and choose more nutritious foods, but sugar is one of those sneaky ingredients that seems to be in everything, including some not-so-obvious foods. Many of us also have a sweet tooth and crave something scrumptious for an after dinner treat. Your sugar intake could be derailing your diet, so we have come up with some helpful ways to kick your sugar habit for good.

Eat regularly

Eating frequent meals through the day can ward off a drop in blood sugar levels which leaves you feeling hungry and more likely to crave sweet sugary snacks. Incorporating lean protein and healthy fats with each meal helps to control your blood sugar levels.

Eat to control cravings

If your morning meal is loaded with carbs and sugary or starchy foods, it will leave you with sugar cravings throughout the day. If you are looking for something sweet, including spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg or cloves will naturally sweeten your foods without added sugar.

Out of sight, out of mind

It’s hard to snack on things that aren’t there! If you don’t buy sugary snacks, they won’t be in your cabinet next time hunger strikes. Keep raw veggies, cheese or nuts on hand for a nutritious and delicious snack.

Read the labels

While we are big proponents for eating whole foods, it’s hard to avoid purchasing packaged items from time to time. If your food has a label, take time to read it. The longer the list of ingredients, the more likely sugar will be one of them, in one of its sneaky forms. Anything that ends in “ose” like fructose or sucrose is a form of sugar. “Complex” carbohydrates are also another form of sugar in disguise and can be interpreted as either highly refined sugar or they act like sugars in the body. Check the grams of sugar and choose the product with the least amount (4 grams equals about 1 teaspoon) and avoid artificial sweeteners at all costs. They wreak havoc in the body, negatively affecting blood sugar levels and triggering us to crave even more sweets.

Conquer the cravings

Next time a sugar craving hits, take a walk or find a quiet spot to sit for a few minutes, focusing on your breathing. A lot of times our cravings are emotional and usually last for 10-20 minutes max. If you can distract yourself, it often passes. If you truly do need something sweet, enjoying a piece of fruit is a much healthier option.

Looking for more guidance on creating a meal plan that works for you. We offer habit-based nutrition coachingThis approach gives you the freedom to eat in ways that feel good to you and your body.

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