How to Finally Achieve Fitness Motivation That Lasts
Spoiler alert: There’s no magical way to achieve motivation once and have it last forever! One of our favorite quotes is by Zig Ziglar, and it says: “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing—that’s why we recommend it daily.”
It’s absolutely true, and it’s the secret to unlocking your fitness potential. In fact, it’s the key to achieving any goal, whether it’s related to fitness, work, relationships or finances. “Sticking to it” isn’t something that just magically clicks one day, nor is it an ability that some people are born with and others are not. It takes hard work and regular maintenance! The good news is that there are plenty of tools and tips you can use to help yourself renew your motivation consistently.
Here are a few of our favorites motivators at Bootique:
Keep a log. Have you ever read a diary you kept years ago, from high school or college? When you did, you may have had even trouble believing that the person who wrote that was you! Of course, we change and grow over the years, but there’s a certain amount of similar fluctuation that happens even on a daily basis with our moods, too. So here’s a mini challenge: After your next workout, take a pen to paper and record how you feel. It doesn’t even have to be full sentences; you can even just jot down a few phrases or words that come to mind to describe your current state. Log a few good notes away, and bring them out the next time you’re having trouble picking up those keys and heading out to an outdoor bootcamp workout at Mission Bay, or a morning Zumba class. Humans perform well when there’s a reward to incentivize us, so remind yourself what yours is by reliving the feelings that working out gave you last time!
Find a partner. It doesn’t even have to be someone you work out with! It could be your neighbor, coworker, or best friend who lives across the country. The only thing that matters is that you both have a goal you’re reaching towards. When your motivation feels low, shoot her a text. When she tells you she’s thinking of skipping her next morning workout, send her some words of encouragement. Knowing that you’d have to awkwardly explain to your partner that you didn’t make boot camp or cardio fitness yesterday simply because you didn’t feel like it is great motivation to just buckle down and get yourself to class!
Do a form of exercise that you love! This one is our specialty. At Bootique, we offer strength-building outdoor bootcamp classes led by expert trainers who love what they do, and you’ll take them alongside women who are enthusiastic and excited about making progress towards their fitness goals. Our energetic Zumba classes are another great option where fun and fitness combine; the latest, upbeat music along with dance moves that are always changing is sure to get you excited. Whether you’re interested in taking classes or personal training in Hillcrest, Mission Valley, Civita, Mission Bay, La Jolla or Hillcrest, Bootique has a fun option for you!
Half the battle when it comes to motivation is understanding that it doesn’t come easy to anyone, and that it takes work. Physical fitness is just as much a challenge for your mind as it is for your body! So just as you’d stretch before a workout class, use one of the tools we mentioned to get your mind in the right space before you head out to exercise.
Bootique offers fantastic fitness classes, but our supportive network of fun, encouraging, like-minded women is just as important. Our team and your fellow Bootique-ers will help you renew your motivation every day. Let’s get fit together!