
Febuary – FEATURED Boot Camp Client – Melissa

Congratulations Melissa!

We are proud to announce Melissa as our Featured Boot Camp Client!

Melissa, better known as ‘Bacon’ (she’ll tell you the story in person), has come a long way since her first day at our San Diego boot camp. Just take a look at her video testimonial to hear her talk about how much she hates getting up early and working out. Despite those early feelings, she came to boot camp every single Monday, Wednesday, Friday for an entire year (with a 1 day exception…)! She’ll admit that she rants her way though class… honestly, that’s one of my favorite parts! I enjoy the banter!

After I won Melissa over at boot camp, I finally got her to come play with us at Zumba. She started in the back of the room, next to the door (ready to make her escape at any moment…). It was a lot of fun to watch her migrate her way to the front of the class and take her rightful place next to me. Nowadays, she defends that spot like crazy — in her dream state. Ha! You’ll see her in a number of our Zumba videos.

What would you like people to know about you?

I am an empire-building mother of two. My business, Lullababes, creates custom blankets in three sizes so no one is left uncovered. The Big Babe as I call it, is 9×5′ of pure comfort and warmth (Jaylin owns one!). I have recently started making weighted blankets for children with autism. I am very excited about this new direction my company is going in.

I am a very proud San Diego native and married to big sweet hairy guy named Thane. We have been together for 14 years and will celebrate our 10 year anniversary on April 26th with a vowel renewal ceremony in Vegas performed by Elvis. This past Christmas, he gave me a necklace with a pendant of my favorite animal, the great white shark. We have 2 adorable kids (known as Bacon bits), Ruby and Tucker. They are mini-Bootique instructors in the making!

Melissa’s Experience with Bootique Fitness

Melissa talks about how she came to workout with us and what her experience has been like in our San Diego boot camp.

You are celebrating your 1 year anniversary with Bootique Fitness! What’s that like?

I am so excited about my one year anniversary with Bootique. I started back on February 22, 2012 because I was tired of beating myself up and the voice in head was getting down right vicious so I had to shut her up. Thankfully I don’t hear much from her anymore. I am proud to say that I have only missed one boot camp since March and that was because I had food poisoning. I also, am on the best body at 40 mission. We have 8 months to the big day, and I’m wearing a bikini. The last time I felt comfortable in a bikini I was 7 so this is a big deal. Normally I would try to lose 20 pounds a month before an event which of course never works. So starting a year and half ahead of time has made it easy to lose weight and stay on track.

What results have you seen since coming to Bootique Fitness?

Well let’s let the numbers answer this question.

Since March 14th, I’ve lost 24 lbs, 7& of my body fat, and 7 inches! I’m down to 146 lbs and a size 6 in my favorite jeans! – I am really enjoying the way I look – and I still get to enjoy my Chardonnay.

You are quite the Zumba superstar! Tell me about that.

I blame Jaylin for this. She kept telling me all the cool kids did Zumba. I finally caved and started Zumba last April. I stood in the back corner and tried to follow along. I felt pretty stupid and uncoordinated but I knew if I kept going I would get the hang of it. In the beginning, I did not really enjoy it but wanted to burn the extra calories. Now Jaylin and I text each other a hourly count down until we GET to dance. I consider Zumba fun girl dance time, not working out. I try to go to at least 3 classes a week. I now stand in the front and have started a new career as a back up Zumba video dancer.

What are your reasons for sticking with Bootique Fitness all this time?

This is simple I made a decision to change my life.

I got super lucky in the fact that it’s actually fun. Now when I say fun I don’t mean mid-burpee. I mean when I get to talk back and voice my disdain for the recently announced exercise. I love my Bootique girls there are some super cool chicks I get to workout with. Friday fun days are the best especially when there is a Zumba flash mob afterwards. Plus I’m convinced Jaylin has magic fairy workout dust because I have never ever done anything in regards to exercise for this long.

Tell me about your experience with the trainers.

It’s nice to have different trainers. Everyone has their own style. I have never repeated a workout which is awesome. I get bored easily but the Bootique trainers have never let me down. I never know what’s coming next. I also love that they let me yell at them and they just smile. I don’t know how to lose weight effectively on my own, a point I have proved to myself over and over again. Having trainers I know I am doing exactly what I need to do to be in great shape. For the first time in my life I feel like an athlete. I never played sports so this is a fun concept for me.

What do you enjoy the most about Bootique Fitness?

Jaylin has become one of my favorite people so any time I get to spend with her makes me happy. Plus I have some really awesome new friends in my life. With all these ridiculous reality shows portraying women as back stabbing mean girls, I find my Bootique Babes to be down to earth, smart, funny and real.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Keep up the good work Jaylin, you created something very special here.

Thank you Miss Melissa! We love training you!

Be sure to congratulate and celebrate Melissa when you see her at San Diego boot camp! She plays at the Hillcrest 7:15 am boot camp and Zumba classes.

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