
Combating Stress this Holiday Season

Tis the season for giving and receiving, but it’s also the season of stress, travel, hectic schedules and financial worry. While it’s impossible to avoid stress completely, this year we have compiled several strategies to deal with the stressors, make positive choices and help you keep the season merry.

Set a budget

Financial worry is one of the biggest stressors for adults. Setting a budget for the holidays is one way you can avoid overspending. When you know what you have available to spend, you are more likely to stick within the constraints of your available funds.

Be realistic

Be realistic in your spending and buy only what you can afford. We want to shower our loved ones with lavish gifts, but if it’s going to leave you with years of credit card debt, skip it. The amount of money we spend doesn’t matter, so chose something meaningful and within your budget.

Share the load

Of course you are superwoman and can do everything, but that doesn’t mean you have to. Delegate some of your tasks to other family members. If you have a shopping list a mile long, break it up and send someone else to the market.

Travel wisely

Holiday travel can be rough. Cancelled flights, cranky kids and hours on the road can leave anyone feeling wiped out. Just know that not everything that happens is within our control. Take a deep breath and go into it knowing that you are doing your best and take everything that comes with patience. When you approach potential issues from a place of serenity, even the speedbumps will feel easier to manage.

Be thankful

Allow yourself to feel gratitude for what and who you have in your life. Feeling appreciative allows us to connect to those around us in a meaningful way building relationships and strengthening bonds. When you are grateful, it allows you focus more on what you have instead of what is lacking.

It’s okay to say “no”

You don’t have to attend every holiday gathering you are invited to. Spreading yourself too thin will only lead to you feeling stressed out and anxious. Only say yes to the activities you really want to do and politely pass on the rest.

Sneak in exercise

This can be hard, especially when traveling, but setting aside some time for fitness will help boost your mood and kick stress to the curb. Go for a walk around the neighborhood with the family and add a little bonding time while working out.

Question: What do you do to avoid the holiday stress?

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