Your Personal Trainers Share Their Favorite Snacks
Snack time Blues?
It’s important to fuel up before and after physical activity, and not get so hungry that you will overeat at your meals. Are you bored of your same old snack options? Let the Bootique Fitness San Diego personal trainers give you some of our favorites, and healthy, snack choices!
Sarah’s Snacks
- A hardboiled egg
- A few bites of cottage cheese
- A banana and cashew butter
- Celery and cashew butter
- A Lara bar
Mollie’s Munchies
- Banana and almond butter
- Trail Mix Cliff Bars
- Sweet potatoes
Ro’s Refreshments
- Bananas or apple slices
- Sunflower or almond butter
- Guacamole of course! I prefer Cassava Root chips over tortilla when I can find them; they’re a little less non-paleo than tortilla 😉
Jaylin’s Jams
- Whey protein shake – this is the easiest on-the-go emergency snack. I keep a portion size of whey protein in a mini Rubbermaid container and my shaker bottle on hand – just add water for an instant protein snack. Really great for after a tough workout.
- Yogurt and cottage cheese
- Yogurt with added protein powder
- Apple – really quick and easy!
- At least one 25oz vacuum bottle of water on me at all times to stay hydrated. The vacuum bottles keep water cold for up to 12 hours!
Plan ahead to eat clean when it comes to snacking.
If the ingredients begin with sugar, that’s what the majority of the snack is, so skip it. Grab a high protein yogurt and banana at a convenience store, or a rice cake with some peanut butter. Fruit, some proteins, and healthy carbs are always available without the fuss. Bring carrots, almonds, and jerky – something to keep hunger at bay in between meals.
Be prepared by bringing these snacks with you to work, in the car when traveling back and forth, and at home. Always drink water also to help with the hunger (as sometimes it’s really thirst and not hunger you’re feeling!).
Get snackin’!