Bootique Featured Client – Rachel
Congratulations Miss August!
We are proud to announce Rachel as our Featured Bootique Client!
I remember my first class with Rachel – she brought the sass right away and I knew this was going to be a good fit! Lucky for us, she continues to bring a ton of positive energy and just the right amount of sass to all of her workouts! She’s a rockstar at 6 am Personal Training Groups and at the Dance Fitness Parties.
Even more fun, Rachel joins us for all the Bootique community events (that she’s in town for 😉 ) She’s always a blast to have around!
Ro adds: “I’m lucky enough to see Rachel in the early hours of Monday & Friday mornings and she’s such a pleasure for everyone at class. She’s strong, hardworking and probably the only lady who doesn’t complain when I ask them to do something crazy ;). She’s always encouraging the other ladies and her personality definitely makes 6:00 am boot camp a great way to start the day.”
What would you like people to know about you?
I was born and raised in Pensacola, Florida, where I lived for most of my life. I’m an only child (unless you count my big, furry “brother,” Jake the yellow lab), and I have two wonderful parents, Mike and Robin, who still live in Pensacola and who I wish I could see more often! I moved to San Diego in January 2016 to be with my boyfriend, Matt, who is in the Navy, and though the Gulf Coast will always have a special place in my heart, I am very happy to be out here on the West Coast!
I’ve been working for a Florida-based startup called Student Maid since I was a senior at the University of Florida, where I studied journalism. I started out cleaning houses between classes and went on to hold almost every type of position in the company, from office manager to general manager to my current position, communications director, which I do remotely. I recently helped my boss finish writing a book called “Permission to Screw Up: How I Learned to Lead by Doing Almost Everything Wrong,” which will be published by Penguin Books in October! I know my Bootique classmates and trainers are relieved that I’ve finally reached the finish line–I was more than a little vocal about how stressed out I’ve been over the last year while trying to get this thing done! But I couldn’t have asked for better luck. When I took a part-time cleaning job to pay for groceries and gas in college, I never thought it would lead to crossing “publishing a book” off my bucket list!
What are your hobbies/interests outside of our classes?
I don’t do these things nearly as often as I should, but I love to read, take pictures and explore new places. Before I moved here, I’d hardly spent any time in the west, so there are so many things that are new and interesting to me!
Tell us an interesting or unusual fact about yourself.
My favorite band of all time is Hanson (yes, “MMMBop” Hanson, from 1997, but they’ve put out a lot more music in the last 20 years!). So far, I’ve seen them live nine times, and I’m looking forward to seeing them twice this year, once in Anaheim and once here in San Diego. 🙂
How about sharing one of your guilty pleasure?
Cereal. Specifically peanut butter Cap’n Crunch, which I try not to keep in my house, but if I do, I eat it as dessert!
How long have you been training with Bootique Fitness?
A little more than a year.
What was your life like before Bootique Fitness? How is that different now that you train with Bootique?
I got really serious about my fitness about a year before I moved to San Diego, but after I moved, I found myself not quite as motivated to work out on my own. Bootique is a great balance of accountability and camaraderie, and I appreciate that it allows me to work out while getting to know people, which is the biggest benefit to me!
What results have you seen since coming to Bootique Fitness? How do your results make you feel?
I am so much physically stronger than before, and I love seeing that I have more and more definition in my arms where I had basically none before. I also feel so much more capable when it comes to fitness. I’d never done anything like boot camp when I started, and I feel empowered knowing I can get through it three days a week!
Tell me about your experience with the trainers.
I love my trainers! Ro is so encouraging and welcoming, and Jaylin is so fun and can bring up your energy level even when you’re feeling down.
What are your favorite/least favorite exercises?
Least favorite has to be up/down planks (a.k.a. suicide planks) and favorite is ab slicers.
What do you enjoy the most about Bootique Fitness?
I love my fellow Bootiquers! There have been so many days I’ve shown up feeling tired or grumpy and not looking forward to working out, but just minutes of chatting with everyone and watching them kick butt inspires me to get my own butt in gear!
What would you say to someone on the fence about making a change & committing to their goals?
“Ain’t nothin’ to it but to do it,” as the saying goes. Take the first step even if you don’t think you’re ready–you might surprise yourself!
Is there anything else you would like to add?
I’m so glad I found Bootique! 🙂