March Featured Boot Camp Client – Britni
Congratulations Britni!
We are proud to announce Britni as our Featured Boot Camp Client!
Britni is fantastic! She shows up to class after a long day but you’d never know she was the least bit tired by all the energy she puts out. She always gives it her all- whether she’s at boot camp, Zumba or yoga. Sometimes, we can even get her to cut loose and get really silly with us at Zumba! Those are great times!!!
We all have the pleasure of training with Britni – here are some stories from our trainers.
Sarah: She’s early to every class.. often because she goes for a run before. She’s quiet, but one of the hardest workers. When she does make a peep, she has an infectious laugh. She makes me feel like a comedian though I’m sure what I’m saying is only remotely giggle worthy. She pushes the girls around her because they see her working so hard.
Sabrina: We had some major bonding time when she was the only one that showed up one rainy Friday. She was forced to work out with me and do one million push-ups. Not once did she complain or stop moving. Also. on more then one occasion, she comes straight from work so that she doesn’t go home and change her mind about working out.
Ro: The first time I met Britni we were running the Dash-n-Dine 5k, a Sandy Feet Event, with a group of Bootique girls downtown. Despite the fact that she told us she hadn’t done a whole lot of running in a while, she left us all behind in dust! Well that’s exactly the same a**-kicking attitude she brings to every class! Burpees? No problem! Britni’s got it all over on those soul crushers! As a matter of fact, since we’ve switched the Mission Bay time to 8 am, she rushes over to the 9 am Zumba class on Saturdays! Now that’s a girl on a mission!
What would you like people to know about you?
I’m constantly on the go. I teach second grade in Point Loma and I currently have four kids I tutor outside of school. I’m also one of those people who loves school, so I’m constantly taking classes (sometimes to further my career, sometimes just because). I am a San Diego native; I lived in San Francisco for about five years for school and work, but returned to San Diego in 2010. I love to draw and paint; anything crafty and I’m there.
Britni’s Experience with Bootique Fitness
Britni talks about how she came to work out with us and what her experience has been like in our San Diego boot camp.
How long have you been training with Bootique Fitness?
Since November 2013! That year plus really flew by!
What was your life like before Bootique Fitness?
I have a rather short attention span, so nothing seemed to hold my interest for very long. I’ve always been fairly active as I grew up playing a ton of sports (soccer, field hockey, lacrosse, and softball). Unfortunately, that changed after college. I ran, but irregularly; soccer was my only constant. The weight machines at the gym scared me, but free weights and I had an off-and-on relationship.
What results have you seen since coming to Bootique Fitness? How do your results make you feel?
While I have lost weight and inches, the biggest benefit for me has been my mental and emotional health. I feel better about myself. I have more energy and I’m more confident, plus I can do some pretty awesome push-ups! I’ve also been more on top of my running. I can run longer and faster than I have in a while. More importantly, I make sure to schedule time for myself.
What is the biggest difference in your life since you started Bootique Fitness?
I’m a lot happier since joining Bootique. The regular exercise helps cut down on my stress and it makes me feel good. When I go a day without my regular classes, my mood is affected. I look forward to pushing my body and seeing the ladies at boot camp and Zumba; never fails to cheer me up when I’m having a rough day.
Tell me about your experience with the trainers.
I love them, all of them. Each one has their own particular style, but they all push me, even when I’m not particularly feeling it. They make me laugh (even when I’m silently calling them names in my head J).
What do you enjoy the most about Bootique Fitness?
The workouts and the people. Every workout is different and I don’t get bored. Plus, the women at class all so inviting, supportive, and fun. You can always count on someone to push you harder or to root for you when you’re struggling.
Why should other women just like you consider Bootique Fitness as their solution?
Because it’s fun! You get a great workout in and you have a blast doing it.
Thank you Miss Britni! We love training you!
Be sure to congratulate and celebrate Britni when you see her! She usually plays at the evening boot camps classes in Hillcrest and shakes her booty at Zumba.