
Featured Bootique Client – Bonita

Congratulations Miss March!

We are proud to announce Bonita as our Featured Bootique Client!

I was so happy last spring when Bonita showed back up after a long hiatus. It’s a nice feeling to have members ‘come home’ to us plus it’s fun evidence that Bootique has been around for 9 years now (March 15, 2010 was our first class ever).

Bonita brings her own special fun to classes. She trains mostly in La Jolla but we get to see her at some of the community events which is always a good time.

Despite having a few set backs this year, we are proud to see her push through, get stronger and feel better.

What would you like people to know about you?

I moved to San Diego in May 2000 from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, but I grew up in a small town in North Carolina. I love San Diego… especially the sunshine and mild weather. I’ve been married almost 5 years.

What are your hobbies/interests outside of our classes?

In my free time, I like to read, cook, travel. My husband and I bought our first house a year ago and we’ve been doing a lot of DIY projects, so less reading and traveling than I’d like… that said, it’s fun to see the results of hard work as our house slowly comes together.

Tell us an interesting or unusual fact about yourself.

I was co-host for a national tv news show for kids from 6th grade until my senior year of high school.

Wanna share a guilty pleasure?

Netflix. So much Netflix.

How long have you been training with Bootique Fitness?

I was OG Bootique, but had to drop as my commute made it impossible to make the weekday sessions. I missed it and was so happy to be able to come back this year.

What was your life like before Bootique Fitness? How is that different now that you train with Bootique?

I’ve always been really active. I was a runner for a number of years and did some weight training in the gym and reformer Pilates. I’m a social person and find that I am more motivated when I work out with and train with other people that I know. Not only am I more consistent, but I work harder.

What results have you seen since coming to Bootique Fitness? How do your results make you feel?

I’ve dropped some weight and some stress and generally feel more energetic.

Tell me about your experience with the trainers.

The trainers are really supportive. I work out with Sabrina the most and she is extremely attentive to all of our specific needs. With my knee and back issues, it is so great to work with a trainer who understands that not all pain can or should be pushed through or ignored. She always has modifications for exercises so that I get the full benefit of every workout. It’s awesome!

What is your favorite/least favorite exercise?

It depends on the day, but I generally have an intense dislike for burpees.

What do you enjoy the most about Bootique Fitness?

There’s so much: The variety – no two workouts are ever the same, the accountability – I don’t feel anonymous and when I don’t show up, I hear from Jaylin and Sabrina, and the community – it’s fun to work out with the same small group and hear about everyone’s family, travel, work, etc.

What would you say to someone on the fence about making a change & committing to their goals?

Join us! You can’t beat the camaraderie and personalization. I look forward to working out with the crew and this not only helps with motivation, but also consistency. I’m even recovering from a knee injury and working with the Bootique trainers am still able to get my workouts in… and feel great doing it.

Thank you Bonita. We love training you!

Would you like to have an experience like her? Get started now with a free class trial of our San Diego fitness boot camp classes and start creating a fit lifestyle you can enjoy!

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