April – FEATURED Boot Camp Client – Kristina
Congratulations Kristina!
We are proud to announce Kristina as our Featured Boot Camp Client!
Kristina started just over a year ago with her daughter, Alea. These two ladies brought a lot of fun, energy, and friendly competition to the group. With what seems like boundless energy, you may find Kristina at 2-3 Bootique workouts in a day – and the woman never slows down. She always has a smile and a warm greeting for everyone she encounters and has made friends easily among our fantastic group of women.
She not only brings the energy to our classes… in her ‘spare time’ she’s riding horses and joining the Bootique Babes for a mud run. We have witnessed a little bit of relaxation from her… if you’re ever in need of a coffee date, call Kristina. She’s always has great stories and frequently entertains us with them.
What would you like people to know about you?
I am an East Coaster, out here for just four years, a professional management consultant, an empty-nester with two lovely grown daughters. I have been working out regularly since my first daughter was born, so one of my hobbies is definitely exercise. I have gone through tennis, triathlons, running, step class, roller-blading and other phases, but there are too many to list. I also am an avid reader and movie buff (and single too, if this is actually a singles site ;).
Kristina’s Experience with Bootique Fitness
Kristina talks about how she came to workout with us and what her experience has been like in our San Diego boot camp.
How long have you been training with Bootique Fitness? Have you ever stuck to anything that long before?
It is hard to believe it, but I have been with Bootique for over a year! It seems like a couple of months, because it is so much fun
What results have you seen since coming to Bootique Fitness?
I started Bootique on the fit and small side, and through Bootique Fitness I took and kept off eight pounds and definitely got stronger. My daughters think I am more lean and athletic looking. I am at least a size smaller on the bottom. I have lots of energy and stamina. I feel great!
What are your reasons for sticking with Bootique Fitness all this time?
I love Bootique Fitness for so many reasons: Jaylin and the other trainers are great; the program is challenging and ever-changing; working out outside is exhilarating (being in San Diego helps); the other women have become my friends and motivation; it is so easy to just come and let someone else think about the workout; when I am done with the workout I feel great; and if I want more I can always take a second class that day.
Tell me about your experience with the trainers.
The trainers are wonderful. They are upbeat and encouraging. I appreciate that they correct me without being on top of me. I would say on an average of two times a session the trainer will suggest I keep my bum down, dip deeper, or pull my shoulder blades back. And they are always cheering everyone on.
What do you enjoy the most about Bootique Fitness?
This is the hardest question, because I have so many choices. But I am going to have to say it is the fitness community that is forming around Bootique Fitness. With the blogs on eating right and fitness and the extra fitness outings (like fun runs and zip lining) Bootique Fitness offers, the unbelievably fantastic Bootique Zumba classes, etc. there is a wonderful community of Bootique women who enjoy a healthy lifestyle and it is great being part of it. Of course, not everyone does everything, but the opportunities are there.
Is there anything else you would like to add?
I just want to thank the trainers: Jaylin, Sarah, Sabrina and Mollie for a fantastic year. And shout out to Ed and Man Up and to all my Bootique friends: see you at Boot Camp!
Thank you Miss Kristina! We love training you!
Be sure to congratulate and celebrate Kristina when you see her at boot camp! She usually plays at the Hillcrest and Mission Bay boot camps as well as the Zumba classes.