
June Featured Bootique Client – Jeanette

Congratulations Miss June!

We are proud to announce Jeanette as our Featured Bootique Client!

Each of our trainers has had the pleasure of working with Jeanette and we all agree – she’s fantastic! A hard worker at every class, always ready to take instruction and push herself to the next level. I most often see her at Dance Fitness – which I love because her face lights up when she’s dancing!

Her positive energy radiates through the whole class! A true Bootique’er, she gets involved with community outings and she’s invites friends to join us too.

What would you like people to know about you?

I’ve had an interesting childhood. I was made in Mexico but my grandfather had the foresight and did his best to make sure I was born in San Diego(I was almost born in Panama). My father is from Panama and was studying medicine in Mexico when he laid eyes on my beautiful mother. My child hood was spent traveling back and forth from San Diego to Panama.

As to what keeps me busy, Biology. When I was a little girl and you asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I always answered the same “a scientist”. I think I didn’t really know what it meant to be a scientist but that’s what I wanted to be and I’d like to think that I made it (current title Associate Scientist). I studied Marine Science hoping to dedicate my lives to saving sharks but life led me in a different direction and I’m knee deep in Immunology.

What are your hobbies/interests outside of our classes?

I love traveling and taking as many pictures as I can ( I might have inherited this genetic trait from the same grandfather mentioned above).

Countries visited excluding Panama and Mexico are Costa Rica, Brazil, Switzerland, Italy, Thailand, Hong Kong, Spain and Iceland. Hoping to visit Peru and more of Mexico and Panama.

Tell us an interesting or unusual fact about yourself.

Hmmm. I like the smell of windex and ajax? Not sure if this is interesting or weird.

How about sharing one of your guilty pleasure?

As I’ve gotten older, I’d like to think that I’ve learned to appreciate the finer things in life and that includes being a foodie. I like cheese and wine, and lots of other naughty things.

How long have you been training with Bootique Fitness?

I started with the a special introductory offer, and I got hooked, I think some time in April 2016.

What was your life like before Bootique Fitness? How is that different now that you train with Bootique?

I had actively been a runner for several years when my fiancé and I decided it was time to move on up and purchase a home. The experience turned out to be a little more stressful than anticipated and I lost all desire to run. I basically had stopped exercising which hadn’t happened to me in over 6 years, I’d go to yoga but it wasn’t enough. Once we bought our home and settled in, the desire to run was gone.

I’m not some one that can exercise at home alone. I need to be encouraged and that is when I typed into google search “women bootcamp” and Bootique Fitness appeared.

Now that I have been training with Bootique, I make sure that whatever my schedule may hold, that I plan as many classes as possible. And I know that regardless of how I feel that day or whatever challenges I’ve experienced, once I arrive to Bootique it all melts away. I’ve never regretted one class.

What results have you seen since coming to Bootique Fitness? How do your results make you feel?

I definitely feel stronger, I’ve always been a weakling. I’ve also noticed that I try to kick butt every class, it doesn’t always work out, but what’s important is to show up and give it all you got, if you don’t then you are just cheating yourself.

I’ve also started running again, not very much. I think the most I’ve put in 2-3 miles but I’m ready to do more, sign up for another half, it’s been over a year and a half I think. Hoping to sign up for the Celebration half in November, maybe even PR.

The results over all make me so happy and it’s motivation to keep it up.

Tell me about your experience with the trainers.

The trainers are the best, full of radiant positive energy 100% of the time. I think this is why it is in your best interest to go to class.

If you have had a bad day, their energy is contagious.

What are your favorite/least favorite exercises?

Not sure if I have a fave, not a big fan of that little tire you have to roll back and forth for your abs or those upside down push ups.

What do you enjoy the most about Bootique Fitness?

Positive energy and accountability.

Some weeks are hectic and I’ll forget to sign up for classes when suddenly I’ll get a pop in from Jaylin.

What would you say to someone on the fence about making a change & committing to their goals?

Start off slow, we all have some where to start. The trainers are super approachable and no one is judging you ever. The trainers can help make modifications and are also super encouraging.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Super happy that I found Bootique Fitness. Can’t wait for my next class.

Thank you Miss Jeanette! We love training with you!

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